Саратовский государственный
художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
By contrast, the collection
of the late 19th century Russian art
assumed basically its final shape within Alexei Bogoliubov's lifetime, who asssociated with the most prominent artists of the time.That accounts for the broad selection of first-rate canvases by Ivan Shishkin, Fedor Vasiliev, Ilya Repin and other Itinerants in the museum's collection. I.Repin's portraits of his daughter Nadia and Alexei Bogoliubov, a lifelong friend of the artist's, rate among the best creations belonging to his brush. The museum possesses the country's best collection of Bogoliubov numbering over 200 paintings, studies and about himself, 1000 sheets of graphic works. |
Сальватор Роза. Пейзаж с купальщицами Salvator Rosa. Landscape with Female Bathers |
Of the most
value are his picturesque landscapes imbued with a
chamber mood, which follow the tradition of French realistic landscape painting. Due to the works, accumulated in the museum within the 20's (among which were the paintings by Vasili Surikov, Alexei Savrasov and Isaak Levitan), this section was significantly extended to represent every conspicuous phenomenon of national artistic herittage. The Russian art of the turn the 19th and 20th centuries, extremely rich in bright, but not inferequently coflicting phenomena, is comprehensively represented in the museum. Primarily, that refers to the works of the leading figures of two most significant artistic associations of the time in Russia -the "World of Art"and the "Association of the Russian Artists". |
Якопо Бассано. Наполнение Ноева ковчега Jacopo Bassano. Animals Entering the Noah's Ark |
The retrospective vision
of the "World of Art" masters,
prone to poeticize the past, merging with the exquisite stylistics of their creations, can be observed in the works by Konstantin Bogaevsky, Nikolai Roerich, Alexander Benois and Konstantin Somov. Close the "World of Art" is Alexander Golovin, an outstanding theatrical designer, represented in collection by both sketches for his stage sets and easel-painting. The paintings of Moscow member of the "Association of the Russian Artists"(Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin, Abram Arkhipov, Sergei Vinogradov, Stanislaw Zhukovsky and others) are distinguished by an unrestrained artistic creativity, an intense interest in the model and an outspoken emotionality. |
Неизвестный фламандский художник. Пейзаж с хижиной. XVII Unknown Flemish Artist. Landscape with a Hut on the Hill. 17th cent. |
The urge to
partray Russia and its distinctive national character
is traced not only in the paintings by Nikhail Nesterov, Philipp Maliavin and Boris Kustodiev, but in the works of the artists, who belonged to so-called "Russian avant-garde", and, primarily, to the "Jack of Diamonds" art association:Petr Konchalovsky, Ilya Mashkov, Alexander Kuprin, Robert Falk' Aristarkh Lentulov. A prominent place in the exhibition is occupied by the artists of the "Saratov school". A loft and poetical treatment of the motif together with a monumental and decorative way of its representation are typical of such different artists as Viktor Borisov-Musatov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Petr Utkin , Alexander Savinov and the sulptor Alexander Matveev. |
Констан Тройон. Вечер. Стадо овец Constant Troyon. Evening. The Sheep Herd |
Франсуа Буше. Венера и Вулкан. Francois Boucher. Venus and Vulcan. |
Луи Мари Билькок. Натюрморт.1792 Louis Marie Bilcoq. Still Life, with a Dog Seated. 1792 |
dutsh old women Unknown 17th-century Dutch master |
Джованни Доменико Тьеполо. Танец. Бродячие артисты. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Ttavelling Artists Dancing |
Lingelbach, Johannes REST OF REAPERS |
Unknown Flemish master of the 17th century, Святой Франциск SAINT FRANCISK |
Ешен Сесери.Двор Eshen Siseri .Courtyard |
Луи Габриель Эжен Изабе. Нормандский дворик Louis Gabrirl Eugene Isabey. Shed on a Norman Farm |
Констан Тройон. Быки Constant Troyon. Bulls |
Марко Риччи. Пейзаж с волами Marco Ricci. Landscape with Oxen |
Вербрюгген Каспар Питер Младший. 1664-1730. Фландрия Флора Саратовский государственный художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
Юнона и Эол Неизвестный художник. Франция Саратовский государственный художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
Лука Лейденский. Музыканты. |
Рембрант. Автопортрет. |
А .Дюрер. Конь малый. |
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