Basil Art Gallery
The Radishev State Art Museum in Saratov 
The Radishev State Art Museum in Saratov
Саратовский    государственный художественный  
          музей имени А.Н.Радищева
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   The flow of contributions, though abundant and veried,  
  proved guite heterogeneous (with many  ethnographic,minerologic 
    and memorial items), thus simultaneously enriching and  
   cluttering up  the collection, which throughout the first decades 
    looked like a Kunstkammer rather than a museum. 
    It was not until after the Revolution that the enlargement  
    of the collection beganon a new,   systematic basis 
   . It was at that time that the artistic face of the museum 
    was outlined.  A number of articles, such as Alexander Pushkin's  
     manuscripts, papers and personal belongings  of Nikolai Gogol,

Francesco Parmigianino(?). St. Jone the Baptist 
  Франческо Пармиджанино (?)  
   Иоанн      Креститель    Francesco 
    Parmigianino(?). St. Jone the Baptist
Unknown German Sculptor. St.John the Baptist 
 Неизвестный немец кий  скульптор. 
  Фигура святого.XVII 
   Unknown German Sculptor. St.John the Baptist 
    Ivan Turgenev,as well as ethnographic and paleontologic  
     collections, not  related to the history of Fine Arts, 
     were turned over to memorial and local-ethnography museums. 
     In 1920's the Saratov museum received a lot of works by  
    the Russian painters of the 18th-early 20th centuries 
     and West European masters of the 17th-19th centuries. 
    This enabled to create the first exhibition, featuring rigorous 
     logic and balance. At present the Russian,   Soviet and 
     Western art divisions of the Radishchev Art Museum in 
       Saratov number about fifteen thousand holdings.
Francois Daubigny. A Town on the Seine. 1876 
    Шарль Франсуа Добиньи.Городок на Сене. 1876  
   Сharls- Francois Daubigny. A Town on the Seine. 1876 
The items of old Russian art in the museum are sparse,  
  of special interest begin wooden sculptures, executed in the 18th 
   century by carvers of the Volga region.  The Russian art of the  
  18th to 19th  centuries is extremely richly represented    n the collection.  
      In the portrait exhibition of the 18th century the ceremonial 
   portraits of Catherine the Great by  Stefano Torelli  and Johann Lampi 
    hang next to the intermate canvases by Fedor Rokotov, 
    Dmitri Levitsky and Vladimir Borovikovsky. Another ,  
    though traditional trend    in this genre,   can be observed 
    in the portraits of A.P.Radishchev,   I.Boshniak and N.Yakhontov 
    by unknown artists.
    Луис де Колери. Прогулка по набережной. 1960-е гг.  
             Lois de Coulery. A Riverside Walk. 1600s  
Саратовский    государственный художественный  
                       музей имени А.Н.Радищева
     The division of the early 19th-century Russian art  
    boasts the portraits ofunusual poetic quality   by Vasili Tropinin, 
     the portraits by Karl Briullov, striking in their pictorial splendor 
     and precise character portrayal,  and studies by Alexander 
     Ivanov for his famous picture /The   Appearance of Christ before  
    the People/. Added  to the collection after the revolution, the works 
      by Silvester Shchedrin, Aleksander Orlovsky and  Orest Kiprensky, 
    reveal the distinctive features  of the Russian romanticism.
      Rijckaert, Marten LANDSCAPE WITH GOATS 
                      Пейзаж с козами
Unknown Dutch Artist. Boats. 17th cent 
  Неизвестный голландский художник. Лодки. XVII  
   Unknown Dutch Artist. Boats. 17th cent.  
Саратовский    государственный художественный  
               музей имени А.Н.Радищева
  Питер ван Ноорт. За шитьем  Pieter van Noort. Sewing 
Francois Daubigny.Tide in Normandy. 1869 
       Шарль Франсуа Добиньи.Прилив в Нормандии. 1869  
 Сharls- Francois Daubigny.Tide in Normandy. 1869
Michel de Bouillon. The Vegetable Shop. 1698 
        Мишель де Буйон. Овощная лавка. 1698  
   Michel de Bouillon. The Vegetable Shop. 1698 
       Франсуа Лемуан. 1679-1752. Франция 
                 Аллегория скульптуры
      Франкен Франс II     И ангелы служили Ему 
Giuseppe Antonio Visconti. The Wind 
              Джузеппе Антонио Висконти. Ветер  
  Giuseppe Antonio Visconti. The Wind 
David Teniers the Younger. Village Feast. 1640s 
    Давид Тенирс Младший. Сельский праздник. 1640-е гг.  
       David Teniers the Younger. Village Feast. 1640s 
        Корнелис Гюисманс.Травля в долине  
          Cornelis Huysmans. Hunt in the Valley 
   Сегер Регард  Игроки   Seghers, Gerard
 Ромбоутс Теодор.1597 -1637. Фландрия 
     Иоанн Креститель
 Brueghel, Jan (I) BY TOWN GATE У ворот города
Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz. van  Болото
  Follower of Hondecoeter COCKFIGHT  
            Бой петухов
 Ommeganck, Balthasar Paul THEE SHEEP
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