The Radishev State Art Museum
in Saratov, one of the country's oldest museums and the first open-door
art exhibition in provincial Russia, was founded in 1877
, when a famous landscape painter Aleksei Bogoliubov (1824-1896), a grandchild
of Alexander
Radishev, an outstanding 18th-century Russian enlightener and writer, presented his large collection to the town of Saratov. The erection of the museum building, designed by a Petersburg architect I.Schtrom, was sponsored by the municipality of the town. The stone-laying ceremony took place on May 1, 1883, and the Radishchev Art Museum was opened to the public on June 29, 1885. Long before the opening ceremony, the very creation of the mpetusart museum had given a new to the artistic life in Saratov. In 1888 the Society of Fine Arts Admirers was organized with a studio, where Viktor Borisov-Musatov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Petr Utkin and Alexander Matveev, would-be well-known artists of the "Saratov school", acquired their first professional skills. All these masters were indisputably influenced by the collection of the Radishchev museum. In 1897 the Bogoliubov School of Drawing was opened. The collection of the museum started from over 500 objects once belonging to Bogoliubov v. |
Неизвестный немецкий скульптор. Страсти Господни.XVI Unknown German Sculptor. The Passions of Our Lord. 16th cent. |
Before the opening, however,
many people showed a keen
interest in the future of the museum. The works of old masters as well as the objects of decorative art were turned over from both the Imperial Hermitage and the Academy of Arts. The first exhibition numbered about 2000 articles. Within the next three yearsthe collection had been enlarged nearly twofold. It was enriched by paintings and graphic works by Fedor Bronnikov, who had given them to the museum. Dozens of paintings were turned over to the museum by artists and collectors:A.Kharlamov, A.Zvenigorodsky, P.Tretiakov, F.Zhuravlev and others. |
Выезд на охоту Даув Симон Иоханнес Ван. Фландрия |
Жертвоприношение Авраама Неизвестный художник. Испания |
Матиас Стомер(Стом). Поклонение младенцу Mathias Stomer (Stom). Adoration to the Infant Christ Саратовский государственный художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
Неизвестный итальянский художник. Мадонна с ангелами.XV Unknown Italian Artist. Madonna with Angels. 15th cent. Саратовский государственный художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
Отто Марсеус ван Скрик. Куст репейника Otto Marseus van Schrieck. Burr Bush |
Якоб Дюк. Игра в карты Jacob Duck. Playing Cards |
Карель Дюжарден. На ферме Karel Dujardin. On the Farm |
"Триумф Вакха" мастерской Дж. Вазари |
Жан Батист Камиль Коро. Замок Пьерфон. 1860-е гг. |
Неизвестный итальянский(?) художник. Святое семейство. XV |
Неизвестный немецкий художник.Мадонна с младенцем Христом и святыми.Пятистворчатый складень.XV . Unknown German Artist. Madonna with Infant Christ and Saints. Five-Piece Folding Icon. 15th cent. |
Саратовский государственный художественный музей имени А.Н.Радищева |
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